Monday, January 11, 2010

So Good

The night before Cupcake '10, I had no idea what to expect. I was tired and I had traveled far and I wondered if something would go really REALLY wrong. But only for a moment.

Then on Saturday, as people I knew well or only kind of knew or didn't even know at all arrived, I was nothing if not completely loving everyone. Their humor and light and love and kindness.

Allison of O My Family

It was so good.

If you were there and you'd like to link up and share your post (or posts) about Cupcake (if you have any), feel free. We can check in on each other, read over the thoughts of others and get to know each other more.

Thank you all. Each and every one of you. For coming along and making this thing exactly what we hoped it would be, and so much more.



Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Love this. Thank you, Heather. Thank you, all. :)


Erin said...

Ann, please come be my nanny. PLEASE.

Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

just a quick fyi -- the Ann's Rants link goes to O My Family....

Thanks for everything, Heather and Steph. I love reading all the recaps.

Ann Imig said...


Really. That Tommy? Good Gawd y'all. You ARE that awesome.


Kasey said...

sounds amazing.
maybe next time...i can swing it.

Heather of the EO said...

I think it's hilarious that my linky says (on staying sane) after it. ooops, that was from an old link up apparently. But I suppose it fits...
sort of.

Sprite's Keeper said...

OOh, with a name like Cupcake 10 (and the fact that Ann of Rants fame was there), it had to be good!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlies - what a weekend. Great pics. My recap post will go up tomorrow and I'll link when it's done.

Miss you guys.


BabyMommaBlog said...

This sounds like you gals had so much fun! Wish I was closer..I would have so been there! :) Maybe next time I can swing it. I can't wait to see the updates!

Amanda said...

When is the next one? I would love to come!


Bebedores do Gondufo said...


Unknown said...

Wonderful! Love the snowy pic.
Have a sweet day!