Tuesday, November 24, 2009


UPDATE: 6:45 pm (Tuesday)

Wow! You guys are just as excited about CUPCAKE '10 as we are! Registration for lodging at Stony Hills Farm is full at this time, but keep in mind that we are creating a waiting list in case an initial registrant is unable to come. Also, plans are in the works to help those of you who still want to attend link up with each other and get lodging (perhaps at a nearby hotel) together if you would like. Stay tuned!

So what we're saying is, don't give up!
Make your plans and join us! We'd love to have you!

Please leave a comment if you'd like to be in the loop about lodging elsewhere. Thank you!

What is CUPCAKE '10?
CUPCAKE is a Midwestern event for women bloggers. The vision for this is a simple one involving friends old and new, the eating of good food, a fireplace, talking for hours and the sipping of wine. Although it isn't a blogging conference, we're guessing there will be many discussions on blogging, since it's a common interest of...well, bloggers. The purpose of the event is to give bloggers a chance to meet in person, hang out, and take a break from life.

When is CUPCAKE '10?
Saturday, January 9 to Sunday January 10, 2010

Where is CUPCAKE '10?

This event is taking place in the Midwest almost completely because the visionaries behind it happen to live in the Midwest and had been kicking around the idea of meeting half-way to spend some time together. The venue is a lovely place called Stony Hill Farm in Oregon, WI, just minutes from Madison.

What is the cost?
$100 total. This includes lodging, breakfast on Sunday (Saturday night will be potluck (in true laid back hanging out style), so bring something small to share), beverages, snacks, and a token of appreciation for coming (sometimes known as swag, but this isn't a conference so we're not going to call it that).

This fee will be paid at registration and will not be refunded after December 20, 2009. (see details by clicking the 'Register' button above).

(Yes, there will be cupcakes too, but they aren't included in the cost. They will be donated, thankfully.)

Who is invited?
Any 20 people who want to come! You don't have to know anyone at all, you're welcome to come and get to know other bloggers. Registration will be first come, first serve.

Why only 20 people?
Our vision for CUPCAKE is an everyone is welcome approach. That being said, because this is the first year we honestly aren't sure how big it is going to get. Lodging is tricky for uncertain numbers of people, and we love the location we found which maxes at 20. If we do fill all of our spots and you would still like to participate, you are more than welcome to arrange lodging near by and spend your waking hours at the CUPCAKE '10 headquarters. Please let us know if this is your plan so we can have a cupcake ready for you, too. (In this case, the registration fee will be $20. So if you and some friends want to split a hotel room and join us, please still register.)

We will also create a waiting list. If someone finds they're unable to attend after registering and cancels, we'll let the next person on the list know that a space is available if they'd like it.

What is the point of following this blog?
Good question. We included the followers widget not only for people who are attending to stay up-to-date on details and information, but another reason to follow is if you'd like to observe the journey and then join in on this in the coming years if it's something that interests you. If there is a larger response than we imagined this year, we'll definitely plan for more than 20 people in the coming years. So follow along, whether you're coming or not. We're sure to post some stories and photos as well, during and after the event this year.

How do I register?
Click on the 'Register' button above. Follow the directions and voila! Done.

Do I need to buy new clothes?
Nope, not unless you like using a girl's weekend as an excuse to do some shopping. This event is taking place in January in Wisconsin, so think jeans or yoga pants and sweatshirts and sweaters. And slippers. Basically, wear whatever you're comfortable in (including your baby if you have one and want them with you).

Why is the event called CUPCAKE?
This idea was born out of a friendship and a meeting of the minds. It grew organically, as two bloggy friends (Heather of the EO and Stephanie of Adventures in Babywearing) emailed about how and when they and a few others could get together in person. A discussion developed on Twitter in response to this, and suddenly it became clear that there were a lot of Midwestern bloggers who were interested in a weekend away, and a chance to get to know each other better in person.

The Twitter banter that ensued when this conversation started was inspiring and sometimes hilarious. Tweeters shot off ideas rapid-fire style, and when the topic of a name came up, Beth (I Should Be Folding Laundry) tweeted a simple "CUPCAKE." You see, the love of cupcakes is a common bond for many of the bloggers interested in this event. Many of these lovely ladies get together in person quite frequently to eat said cupcakes. It has become their "thing."

So what better a name than one that holds personal meaning to many, and is completely relatable to many more. Friendship, laughter, story-telling, and baked goods. What could be sweeter?

What else should I know?
Since it's not an official conference, there will be more mingling and less sitting and listening. But, since we all have the common ground of blogging, we want there to be time to discuss what may be on your mind. We plan to have some time (in front of crackly fireplace) available to pick each other's minds and bounce ideas off of each other. Consider bringing a topic or idea to discuss, or a specific question(s) you may have. Some of the people planning to attend are seasoned bloggers, who may have some valuable advice and/or words of wisdom in helping you focus in on what really matters in your world of blogging.

More than that, bring your ability to relax and have a good time. We have a few (totally rad) things up our sleeves for organized time as a group, but that will be short and sweet (like a cupcake).

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments.


Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

Nicely orchestrated, ladies. A little more pulled together than that bowling alley in LaCrosse we discussed. ;) Anyway, I'll be there but won't stay over night so that frees up some room for others.

Ann Imig said...

I am so impressed! Yes! I want to go! Will you have a rate for people coming just to hang and not stay over?

Staying over sound fun, though!

AllisonO said...

@Ann's Rants,

Yep! Registration will be $20 for those that are just coming for hang out time but not staying to sleep. More about that under "Why Only 20 People?"

Marketing Mama said...

Very exciting - the whole lodge concept is great! I'm very impressed with how put together this is - and the blog is sooo pretty! :)

Ann Imig said...

Strike that comment! So excited I forgot to read your carefully thought-out plans.


got it. $20! I'm there!

Becky said...

I'm there! $20 paid and will have Ann's Rants in tow.

Anonymous said...

you ladies are SO cool. seriously. i wish i lived in the mw and i could attend this. it sounds awesome. and i am totally impressed with the organization and blog! just wanted to cheer you on from new england...

Corinne Cunningham said...

Though I have seriously contemplated the 17 hour drive, I'm going to wish you guys the best of luck - and hope you have gobs of fun for those of us who cannot make it :) Have fun, take lots of pictures, and the rest of us will be there in spirit!

Marketing Mama said...

I just put the button on my blog... I wanted to let you know the code needs "blogspot" in the web address to work perfectly. I was able to tweak it no problem for my site, but thought I'd let you know. :)

Heather of the EO said...

Thank you, Marketing Mama!

I think the designer was fixing it around the exact same time you let us know. It should be good to go now! Thank you!

Maggie, Dammit said...

This is incredible. You guys are amazing.

I'll be there for sure.

Not overnight, though. I live 30 minutes away, WHOOHOOO!

Liz Mays said...

I can't believe it's full already!

Saj said...

I'm only about an hour away, and I have friends and family in the Madison area, so I may have to think about making the trek out there!

Susan Berlien said...

I love cupcakes too! I have a cupacke cookbook with 175 different cupcake recipes..may have to bring a few to sample :) This is going to ROCK!!

Marketing Mama said...

a. You can call me Missy. If you call me Marketing Mama at the lodge, I'll feel a bit silly.

b. I'm feeling a little star struck. There are some great bloggers I really admire attending!

c. Looking forward to meeting lots of great new peeps. You ladies are amazing!

Stephanie said...

I would SO love to come too and am trying to convince another blogger who lives near me to join me. Only problem is I have a 6 week old baby who I am nursing. Would it be ok if I bring him along with me?

Heather of the EO said...

blueviolet, I KNOW, it filled up in a matter of hours. We were surprised and happy, but bummed for those that didn't get a chance or even know the site was up. Please consider following along to hear more about other lodging arrangements nearby. There are plenty of people interested! Next year, we'll plan for more, now that we know there is for sure interest.

Saj, YES! Make the trek! (Please)

Stephanie, YES! This is a baby friendly event. :)

If you work things out and make plans to come, remember to let us know so we can add you to the attendee list and plan for you to be there during the day. Thank you!

(OK Missy, I'll call you Missy rather than Marketing Mama) :)

Becky said...

Hey! I'm going too! But am not in the list of attendees! WHERE AM I!??!

Clearly I'm quite mature and patient about the whole thing...

Heather of the EO said...

Sorry Becky! I had a few more to go last night and then I zonked out. Then today's been crazy!

Thanks for waiting! :)

~michelle pendergrass said...

Closed? Wow. Total bummer. I really wanted to be there. :(

Becky said...

Thanks Heather! Can you tell I'm just super excited?!

Happy Turkey Day!

Heather said...

I am in Northern Ohio so if someone wanted to carpool and room share......

jen said...

just read about this ... how exciting! finally a chance to meet other midwest bloggers! hm...now i just have to figure out if i could make it happen ... it is my birthday weekend after all. although ... 35 ish weeks pregnant might be a little close. anyone driving from mpls area?

Amanda said...

I JUST heard of this now... oh well.. maybe next year!! Sounds like you ladies will have a blast!! (Oh man! Can't believe I am missing a weekend of blogging and cupcakes! Its like a stab in the back!)


Rena said...

Well cupcake come lately!! that is what I get for spending most of November sick and the December catching up! This is the most awesome thing your amazing brain has come up with I think. Not that I could begin to know everything you have ever dreamed up! But still. LOVE this whole concept. You girls continue to amaze and inspire me. Loking forward to a repeat in 10 or will wait for the 11 cupcake round! Have fun and blog the fun for those of us at home this weekend...
