Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Registration is closed (and some other very important information)

Registration for Cupcake '10 is now closed!

We've reached the maximum number of guests that we can accommodate,
but we thank you all so much for your interest.

Please feel free to follow along so you can decide if this is
something you'd like to make plans to do next year.


If you have registered and have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

There are a number of bloggers coming from the Minneapolis/St.Paul area. In the next few weeks, we'll be working on ways to connect you with each other so you can carpool if you'd like. I would even suggest considering coming the night before, if you're able, because of the long drive. Maybe splitting a hotel room? That way you'll be able to get to the lodge early on Saturday and take advantage of your time there. Just a thought.


Please keep in mind that part of the reason for the low price for this event is that we're going all potluck on you on Saturday evening. This means you should plan to bring something small to share, which can be tricky while traveling.

(Think about bringing a cooler if you're road-tripping it, or think about stopping at a grocery store on the way to the lodge, especially if you're flying and staying at a hotel.)


We're really excited about what we have in store for Cupcake '10. We're going to have such a great time! Thank you so much for making plans to join us!

Thank you and then thank you again, friends.


Anti-Supermom said...

Hi Heather,
Just to clarify, will we have access to the kitchen?

Heather of the EO said...

YES! The whole place is ours! :)

Kim said...

Hmmm, what can I do with my Crockpot...

Heather, are we going to make a list of some sort so 16 of us don't bring salsa con queso? Not that that would be a bad thing, as I love me some queso.

Heather of the EO said...

Yes, lady. That will come in a later post because I've been thinking the same thing.

We'll sign up for different things like main dish, fruits/vegs, dessert, apps, breads...
